por Vicky Pratt | Ago 23, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte EN, Children, Donate, Help
Red Deporte carries out a health intervention in the Eastern Region of Cameroon that combines education for health with health care for the most vulnerable population, especially children and young people and young mothers.
por Vicky Pratt | May 22, 2017 | Children, Deporte, Donate, Noticias EN
The price comparison website Rastreator has recognised the work of Red Deporte, naming us winners of its annual prize recognising the work of diverse organisations that promote social inclusion and development in the most vulnerable communities.
por Vicky Pratt | May 2, 2017 | Blog RedDeporte, Donate
Carlos Marchena junto con Red Deporte colaboran con la iniciativa Teaming cuyo valor radica en el poder del efecto goteo para apoyar iniciativas sociales. Estas gotas toman forma mediante aportaciones que no pueden superar un euro por persona y mes.