por Vannesa | Ago 23, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte EN, Children, Deporte
On June 30, the women’s team of Torrelodones CF played a very special match, along with the female team City Strikers, of the sports program of Red Deporte in Zambia, who will be visiting Spain during the month of July.
por Vannesa | Ago 23, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte EN, Children, Deporte, Education, Help
Last June, Clifford Chance participated with Red Deporte and youth community at Cañada Real, in a memorable action day.
por Vannesa | Ago 21, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte EN, Children, Deporte
Red Deporte has successfully carried out the training of monitors to work with the Football3 methodology in the town of Torrelodones.
por Vannesa | Ago 21, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte, Children, Deporte
La prestigiosa cadena de tiendas y una de las mayores plataformas de venta online de material deportivo, Fútbol Emotion, colabora con Red Deporte en una campaña de apoyo a nuestros programas mediante la recogida de material deportivo y captación de socios para Red Deporte.
por Vannesa | May 2, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte, Noticias
A mediados de mayo, Red Deporte organizó una reunión de sus socios del proyecto europeo de identificación deportiva en Madrid.
por Vannesa | May 2, 2018 | Blog RedDeporte EN, Noticias EN
Sport for Intercultural Dialogue (Sport ID) is the collaborative Partnership of the European organizations aiming to create awareness-raising activities for amateur athletes, coaches, trainers, educators who work in the particular fields of sports connected with solidarity and social inclusion.