Football for All – Leadership Program, born with the aim of empowering the disabled group through sports. This program aims to be the first academic course specifically designed to promote employability, entrepreneurship and the creation of networks of people with disabilities in the world of football.

All participants will have at least one type of disability and our goal is to increase employability / entrepreneurship for people with disabilities in the world of football.

The course is supported by three main academic partners: Trinity College Dublin, Nova University of Lisbon and IUN International Football Institute – Munich; in addition to prestigious football organizations, such as the Portuguese Football Federation, the Benfica Club, or the Football Federation of Ireland.

The program has face-to-face classes in Lisbon, from November 26, 2018 to December 7, 2018, where our students will have the opportunity to learn together with the best teachers provided by our academic partners and by our soccer partners.

The training is complemented with the implementation of the project: during the first 6 months of 2019, each student must develop a local project, related to football and disability, so that they can carry a positive legacy to their local regions.

The goal is to ensure that football also has a space for the largest group in our society (more than a billion disabled people, 20% of the world’s population).

The registration period for the program runs from August 1 to October 26, 2018. More information on  or


Red Deporte ha tomado parte en el encuentro organizado por la comunidad católica de España entre los días 9 y 10 de marzo de 2023, y cuyo objetivo ha sido discutir y profundizar sobre los puentes existentes entre fe y deporte. Estas jornadas han contado con personalidades de la comunicación, competición, educación y de la integración social.

Se ha debatido de la importancia de la fe en Dios, las personas, o en uno mismo, como elemento de superación, sino indispensable, para alcanzar altas metas. El papel que juega la fe en el deporte, trasladándose desde el deporte profesional y de élite, hasta innumerables campos situados en los barrios de la periferia del mundo. 

Hemos contado con testimonios de futbolistas de la talla de Mista (ex Real Madrid o Valencia CF), y medallistas olímpicos como José Manuel Abascal, el presidente de la Liga de Fútbol Profesional, Javier Tebas, y representantes de clubes. Red Deporte ha ofrecido su testimonio, de 24 años de trabajo en programas de intervención social a través del deporte, la colaboración con numerosas misiones y cómo la fe es un elemento indispensable en la vida de una gran proporción de participantes de nuestros programas.